From Papa Tony:
Things have been quiet on the Fisting Brotherhood San Diego front, for obvious reasons, for those who know me - A week and a half ago, I hosted four events in a 30-hour period!
I’m still not fully recovered, as I am still compiling pictures and text for articles to document what happened. I am also going out of town for four days, while I attend the Butchmanns Experience in Phoenix this weekend.
As I have said repeatedly, I will NOT be the Head Guy for FBSD. I can guide from behind (my favorite position), giving wise and extremely expert advice, but I can’t be the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, for any group, any more. Those days are over. 33 years is long enough.
So, here is my request, going forward:
Please let me know (by replying to fistingbrotherhoodsd what you would most like to see happening for fisters in San Diego’s scene. I will gladly accept, compile and post whatever your ideas are, but I also will help folks get those dreams started. If anybody knows how to get things done in this town, it’s me.
I also want your suggestions on a good night to talk together in a quiet space, so that we can start forming an action team. I am busy on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Location will not be a problem.